Sunday, April 17, 2011

AIDS Lifecycle 2011 - What is a Roady

In 2007 I participated in the Aids Lifecycle and road my bicycle 545 miles from San Francisco to Los Angeles raising over $9000 (thanks to your generosity) to help in the fight against AIDS. This year I am jumping to the other side of the fence, and volunteering as a Roadie.

What is a Roadie you ask? Roadies take an empty field (a different layout each stop), and turn it into a thriving and efficient campsite for 3,000. There is a new camp in a new town each night, complete with all the amenities that are needed by the riders.

By the time most of the riders arrive in Camp, it is up and running. This includes, setting up the common area tents, food service, camp communication, bike parking, camp store, gear pickup, showers, porta-potties, massage, medical, sports med, and just about anything else you can think of!

Roadie’s tasks or teams are broken down into the following groups.

Now to what’s happening so far…

This journey will be different because I don’t have the physical challenge of riding my bike to LA but the next six months will be a journey and I would like to take you all with me with Roadie Ramblings. The first order of business is to choose which team I would like to be on. Once you register you pick three teams you would like to be on, and my 3 choices are as follows…

1. Bike Parking
2. Camp Services
3. Food Service
Fund-raising: I have set my goal at $1000( I hope to exceed this goal)

My AIDS Lifecycle webpage

Where the money goes…
San Francisco Aids Foundation reaches Over 1.5 million individuals through Community outreach, advocacy efforts, Treatment publications, & prevention Campaigns.

Luggage: This will be a lot easier than 2007, and will depend on the team I get. The rest stop teams have a challenge because they have themes throughout the week so they need to pack a lot. The teams I’ve chosen shouldn’t have a lot of extra stuff so this should be no problem.

Tent Mate: My friend Will is going to participate as a roadie so it’s mostly a done deal for the tent mate.

Camera: I don’t have to agonize over camera equipment this trip because I don’t have the same challenges, I can bring what I would bring for travel. I will be bring my new canon point and shoot (hated the one I got for the ride) as well as my Nikon SLR.

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