Monday, April 25, 2011

Day on the Ride

So what is a "Day on the Ride"?   It is a training ride known as “Day on the Ride” so everyone involved will know what it’s like to be amongst a few thousand cyclists, traffic, SAG (Support And Gear) stops, etc.

The SAG stops have water, snacks, bike repair, and enthusiastic roadies to help with the cyclist needs. 

And at the end of the day there is bike parking and a hot meal.

 Each cyclist checked in to ensure all cyclist arrived safely
 You park your bike and head off for a well deserved meal
The ride is a big help to the less experienced riders, giving them a taste of what is to come.

It is also an opportunity for a roadie to get a taste of whats to come.  I volunteered in bike parking checking in the cyclist and when the event was over I helped break down the bike racks and canopies.  I got a good idea of what the event will be like for me.  

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