Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day Zero - Orientation Day

Orientation and the start of AIDS lifecycle event is at the Cow Palace in Daly City.  With a map & e-ticket in hand I took Bart into the city and met Will (my tent mate) at 8:30 so we could make the 9:30 training video.

First stop the Safety video.

Before the video Neil Giuliano Chief Executive Officer and Center CEO Lorri L. Jean talked to us about the ride.  Safety, Issues in Santa Cruz and more... 

Next Check in,  Medical, Fund raising Incentives, & the Lifecycle Store
Will rocking his fund raising incentive hoodie!

In possion of our wrist bans, ID tags, and luggage tags we went off to the Roadie meeting



We sat with our team for the general meeting and then broke off in to groups for information about our teams.

This is Jon one of your bike parking leads...


We got the scoop about the day in the life a bike parking roadie and a few of us learned about scanning the bikes.

After the meetings we head home via bike parking, yikes tomorrow I'm going to have to park thoes bikes for the next 7 days!

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