Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Ready, Set, Get Packing!

I finished my theme tee's yesterday,  I really need to keep in mind that this stuff is a lot of work!

But it was fun and I improved my silk screening skills!

So now it packing, a bag for the event and a bag for Rob to bring down when he picks me up. 


Packing my event bag will be a lot like packing for Burning Man, work gloves, water bottle, ear plugs, sleeping bag & pad...   At least no dust storms!

I'll need a day pack to keep the thing I'll need during the day, sunscreen, water bottle, camera, etc.

Our bike parking lead sent out a great informational email with things to bring, a bit about the weather (cold morning, windy afternoons, and dewy evening oh my), and to my surprise a call for database help.  I hope she picks me!  Okay I know I'm a freak...

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