Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Let the Event Begin

T – 5, the event starts this coming weekend, where did the first half of this year go!  Orientation day (day zero Saturday) and the event start (day 1 Sunday) are at the Cow Palace.  Orientation day is all about standing in lines, roadie meetings, medical check-in, safety video, & tent assignment, probably sucking up most of the day.  At least I’ll be with my tent mate Will catching up on life.

Day 1, the event start will be an early start for both the cyclist and the roadies.  We will meet at the Cow Palace at 5, leave our luggage at the luggage trucks and head off to the first camp, Harvey West Park in Santa Cruz. We will setup bike parking hopefully in time for the first riders.

Ready, Set, Get Packing!

I finished my theme tee's yesterday,  I really need to keep in mind that this stuff is a lot of work!

But it was fun and I improved my silk screening skills!

So now it packing, a bag for the event and a bag for Rob to bring down when he picks me up. 


Packing my event bag will be a lot like packing for Burning Man, work gloves, water bottle, ear plugs, sleeping bag & pad...   At least no dust storms!

I'll need a day pack to keep the thing I'll need during the day, sunscreen, water bottle, camera, etc.

Our bike parking lead sent out a great informational email with things to bring, a bit about the weather (cold morning, windy afternoons, and dewy evening oh my), and to my surprise a call for database help.  I hope she picks me!  Okay I know I'm a freak...

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Pirate Tee Shirt Art

After much surfing looking at pirate clip art I decided on a flag for the front of my tee shirt, pirate meet 'day of the dead'

I did had several versions of the art for the sleeve and today on my dog walk I decided it should be pirate speak. 

To learn about pirate speak you can visit the Talk Like a Pirate

website.  Yes a website that will teach you to talk like a pirate, the site supports 'Talk Like a Pirate' day September 19.

So this year I'll have a pirate tee shirt to sport on the day.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The event just gets more amazing!

So this week I found out that I have exercise induced asthma due to the pneumonia I had earlier this year.  For some undetermined amount of time I have to do breathing therapy twice a day and go nowhere without a rescue inhaler.  Ugh.

I thought it meant that volunteering at the Lifecycle event was out but it's not!  I emailed my lead yesterday and she said as long as I'm up to it they can meet my medical needs and that she would get this new information to the medical group.

So I'm still on the bike parking team!